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We got paid...
Have we sold out?
Many social media influencers began their journey to influencer with a passion project. They started posting about something they loved, something they were excited about, and they had a story to tell. Eventually, that passion project starts taking more time than their full-time job, which means it's time to get something out of it.
One of the first ways a content creator can begin to be compensated for the huge number of hours they're spending on their channel is sponsorships and paid promotions.
A sponsorship or paid promotion means a company has paid the influencer to review a product, place their product in a video, or talk about their product. Sometimes all the influencer has to do is mention the company's name!
All influencers handle sponsorships and paid promotions differently, but here is our promise to you when you see paid content on our channel:
If we got paid, you'll know it!
We will make it clear with a paid promotion label or by mentioning it in the video.
We won't take deals where we can't give honest opinions.
If a company asks us not to speak negatively about the product, we won't take the deal.
We will find the best stuff for you!
We do review products that may not be something we would buy personally. These products are reviewed to let you know the pros and cons before you buy (I.E., different EV chargers).
We post the stuff we love and use.
We will always tell you the cons (...if there are any). If we don't love it, we won't post about it unless it's in comparison to another product or we are providing why we wouldn't buy it.
When we review products, take paid promotions, or sponsorships we are keeping our channel alive for another video. We appreciate the opportunity to provide valuable content and reviews for our followers while earning a little for the work we put in.